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gapTime - Variable in class RFIDReader.ReadGapTimes
GET_24V_OUTPUT_STATE - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_ACTIVE_ANTENNA - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_AFEC_MODE - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_ANT_POWER_LEVELS - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_ANT_READ_GAP_TIMES - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_ANT_READ_SEQUENCE - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_ANTENNA_POWER - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_ENV_RSSI - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_ERROR_LIST - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_FIRMWARE_BUILD - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_FIRMWARE_ID - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_GEN2_PARAMS - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_GPIO - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_GPS_READINGS - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_HARDWARE_ID - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_IPV4_CONFIG - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_LINK_PARAMS - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_MODULE_ID - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_MODULE_TEMP - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_OPERATING_MODE - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_PORT_RETURN_LOSS - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_READER_CONFIG - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_READER_NAME - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_READER_TYPE - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_REGION_SETTING - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_SEARCH_MODE - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_SERIAL_NUMBER - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
GET_TEMP_PROTECT - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
GET_WIFI_CONFIG - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
Get24VDCStatus() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: Config24V Get24VDCStatus() Summary: This method returns the current setup of the 24V DC output on the GPIO connector as well as what its state is when the sensor is started or restarted.
GetActiveAntenna() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Methods: int GetActiveAntenna() Summary: Returns the numeric value of the currently active antenna.
GetAntennaPowers() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Methods: PowerSettings GetAntennaPowers() Summary: Returns the read power and write power level settings in dBm of the internal antenna (index 0) and the three external antennas (indexes 1, 2, and 3)
GetAntennaPowers1() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
GetAutoSenseProgram() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetAutoSenseProgram() Summary: This method returns a string of semicolon (';') separated SensArray macros corresponding to the currently active AutoSens macro program.
GetAutoSensStartupState() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean GetAutoSensStartupState() Summary: This method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified AutoSens program will be automatically run when the reader reboots
GetBluetoothConfiguration() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetBluetoothConfiguration() Summary: This method retrieves the address of the Bluetooth device that the reader is configured to send data to.
GetBootloaderInfo() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Methods int GetBootloaderInfo() Summary: This method returns the Ethernet port over which firmware updates are performed.
GetBootloaderInfo(BootloaderInfo) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Methods int GetBootloaderInfo(BootloaderInfo bootloaderObj) Summary: This method returns the Ethernet port over which firmware updates are performed.
GetConnectedAntennas(RFIDReader.MODULE_TYPE) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean[] GetConnectedAntennas(MODULE_TYPE modType) Summary: This method returns queries each of the ports of the integrated reader and returns an array sized appropriately for the reader of boolean (true/false) values indicating whether each of the port is connected or not.
GetConnectionInfo(byte) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetOperatingMode() Summary: When a data notification macro is specified in an AutoSens program, the data is sent to a connection (0-4) based on the connection information specified by the connection specified by a string with the format "IP_Address:PortNumber".
GetDRMState() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean GetDRMState() Summary: This method returns the current DRM setting for RF Mode 1 (M3/250kHz).
GetEnvRSSI() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: double GetEnvRSSI() Summary: this method returns the background RSSI of the sensor in dBm.
GetErrorList() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: ErrorList GetErrorList() Summary: This method returns the list of errors detected and recorded by the sensor
GetExpressoModeParams() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: ExpressoModeParameters GetExpressoModeParams() Summary: This method returns a subset of the additional Expresso Mode parameters needed to initiate an Expresso Mode inventory process.
GetFirmwareBuild() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetFirmwareBuild() Summary: This method retrieves the reader firmware's build.
GetFirmwareId() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetFirmwareId() Summary: This method retrieves the hardware Major.Minor.Revision number of the sensor.
GetGen2Params() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Methods: InventoryParameters GetGen2Params() Summary: The InventoryParameters object is returned with the various Gen2 parameters filled in.
GetGPIOSetup() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: byte GetGPIOSetup() Summary: This method returns the settings for the general-purpose outputs and the detected state of the general-purpose inputs
GetGPSConfiguration() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: GPSConfig GetGPSConfiguration() Summary: This method retrieves the GPS setup configuration for the Extreme reader.
GetGPSData() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: GPSData GetGPSData() Summary: This method retrieves the GPS coordinates of the reader.
GetHardwareId() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Group Top-Level Sensor ID Queries Method: String GetHardwareId() Summary: This method retrieves the hardware Major.Minor.Revision number of the sensor.
GetHeartbeatConfig() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: ReaderHeartbeatSettings GetHeartbeatConfig() Summary: This method returns the IP address and UDP port number over which the heartbeat is sent as well and the Interval between heartbeat messages and the number (Count) of messages that are sent before the heartbeat goes silent.
getInfiniteTimeout() - Static method in class RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderComm
GetIPAddressString() - Method in class RFIDReader.ReaderHeartbeatSettings
GetIPAddressString() - Method in class RFIDReader.ReaderNetworkSettings
GetIPv4Info() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: ReaderNetworkSettings GetIPv4Info() Summary: This method returns the various parameters comprising the IpV4 network configuration.
GetLinkParams() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: byte GetLinkParams() Summary: The method returns the current Link Parameter setting of the RFIDReader module.
GetM701ConnectedAntennas(int) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
GetModuleFirmwareId() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetModuleFirmwareId() Summary: Returns the RF Module's firmware version number.
GetModuleHardwareId() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Group: RF Module ID Queries Method: String GetModuleHardwareId() Summary: Returns the RF Module's hardware identifier.
GetModulePowerSetting() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: PowerSettings GetModulePowerSetting() Summary: Returns the read power and write power levels from the reader module.
GetModuleReaderID() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetModuleSerialNumber() Summary: This function returns the string value corresponding to the reader module's internal serial number.
GetModuleTemperature() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: double GetModuleTemperature() Summary: This method retrieves the internal temperature of the RFIDReader module in degrees C.
GetMtiConnectedAntennas() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
GetMTIPortReturnLoss(int) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
GetOperatingMode() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetOperatingMode() Summary: This method returns the operating mode of the sensor.
GetPortReturnLoss(int) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: double getPortReturnLoss(int antennaNumber) Summary: This method returns the background RSSI of sensor in dBm.
GetReaderConfiguration() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: ReaderConfig GetReaderConfiguration() Summary: Gets the configuration of the reader
GetReaderDateAndTime() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetReaderDateAndTime() Summary: This method get the read-time clock date and time values of the reader.
GetReaderName() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetReaderName() Summary: Gets the name advertised by the sensor's heartbeat messages through a direct firmware query.
GetReaderType() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetReaderType() Summary: Gets the reader type advertised by the sensor's heartbeat messages through a direct firmware query.
GetReadGapTimes() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: ReadGapTimes GetReadGapTimes() Summary: This command retrieves the current read time interval and the time interval between read cycles.
GetReadSequence() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: int[] GetReadSequence() Summary: This method retrieves the sequence of antennas that the reader loops through when performing a continuous tag inventory read cycle.
GetRegionCode() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: byte GetRegionCode() Summary: This method gets the byte code for the current region setting on the reader module.
GetRegionSetting() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetRegionSetting() Summary: This method returns the byte code for the region setting of the reader module.
GetSearchMode() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: byte GetSearchMode() Summary: Returns the current search mode for the reader module.
GetSelectParameters(SelectParameters) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: void GetSelectParameters(SelectParameters selectParametersObj) Summary: The method returns the inventory mode and pre-select count for the module.
GetSerialNumber() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetSerialNumber() Summary: This method retrieves the serial number of the sensor.
GetSessionParameter() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: byte GetSessionParameter() Summary: Returns the current byte value for the session parameter.
GetTemperatureProtect() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Methods: boolean GetTemperatureProtect() Summary: Returns the status of the modules temperature protection status.
GetTempNotificationSetup() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: TemperatureNotificationSettings GetTempNotificationSetup() Summary: This method returns the time intervals and thresholds for reporting module temperature during continuous tag read sessions.
GetWiFiConfiguration() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String GetWiFiConfiguration() Summary: This method retrieves the name of the wireless network (SSID) for the Wi-Fi router that the SensX Extreme reader uses for Wi-Fi connections.
gps_time_enabled - Variable in class RFIDReader.GPSConfig
GPSConfig - Class in RFIDReader
GPSConfig() - Constructor for class RFIDReader.GPSConfig
GPSData - Class in RFIDReader
GPSData() - Constructor for class RFIDReader.GPSData
gpsTime - Variable in class RFIDReader.GPSData
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