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SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
SaveCurrentConfiguration() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SaveCurrentConfiguration() Summary: This method saves the various configurable setting to flash memory so that they will be active when the sensor reboots.
SearchModeDual - Variable in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
SearchModeSingle - Variable in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
select - Variable in class RFIDReader.InventoryParameters
SelectParameters - Class in RFIDReader
SelectParameters() - Constructor for class RFIDReader.SelectParameters
SendMessage(byte[], int, RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderSubsystem, byte) - Method in class RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderComm
Method: int SendMessage(byte[] responseBuffer, int maxResponseLength, RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderSubsystem moduleType, byte messageId) Summary This is a 4 parameter overload of the SendMessage method as documented above where no data needs to be sent to the module (typically a get command)
SendMessage(byte[], int, RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderSubsystem, byte, byte[], int) - Method in class RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderComm
Method: int SendMessage(byte[] responseBuffer, int maxResponseLength, RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderSubsystem moduleType, byte messageId) Summary: Send a message to the sensor expecting to receive a response.
SendMessageNoReply(RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderSubsystem, byte) - Method in class RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderComm
Methods void SendMessageNoReply(RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderSubsystem moduleType, byte messageId) Summary Send a message to the sensor without expecting a reply.
SendMessageNoReply(RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderSubsystem, byte, byte[], int) - Method in class RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderComm
Methods void SendMessageNoReply(RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderSubsystem moduleType, byte messageId, byte[] messageData, int dataLength) Summary Send a message to the sensor without expecting a reply.
SendRawData - RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderSubsystem
SensorDataReadResponse - Interface in RFIDReader
SensorInfo - Class in RFIDReader
SensorInfo() - Constructor for class RFIDReader.SensorInfo
sensorPort - Variable in class RFIDReader.ReaderNetworkSettings
sensorStatus - Variable in class RFIDReader.SensorInfo
session - Variable in class RFIDReader.InventoryParameters
SET_24V_OUTPUT_STATE - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
SET_ACTIVE_ANTENNA - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
SET_AFEC_MODE - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
SET_ANT_POWER_LEVELS - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
SET_ANT_READ_GAP_TIMES - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
SET_ANT_READ_SEQUENCE - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
SET_ANTENNA_POWER - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
SET_CUSTOMER_KEY - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
SET_GEN2_PARAMS - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
SET_GPIO - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
SET_IPV4_CONFIG - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
SET_LINK_PARAMS - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
SET_READER_NAME - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
SET_REGION_SETTING - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
SET_SEARCH_MODE - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
SET_TEMP_PROTECT - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
SET_WIFI_CONFIG - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.SensorCommands
Set24VStatus(Config24V) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean Set24VStatus(Config24V config24V) Summary: This method turns the 24VDC on or off and sets the configuration that determines whether it is on or off on startup
SetActiveAntenna(int) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetActiveAntenna(int antennaId) Summary: Sets the specified antenna to be the active one for reading or writing.
SetAntennaPower(int, PowerSettings) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetAntennaPower(int antennaNumber, PowerSettings pSettings) Summary: Set the read and write power levels for when the reader is transmitting through the specified antenna
SetAutoSenseProgram(String) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetAutoSenseProgram(String macroProgram) Summary: This method uses a string of semicolon (';') separated SensArray macros corresponding to the active AutoSens macro program.
SetAutoSensStartupState(boolean) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetAutoSensStartupState(Boolean Running) Summary: This method takes a boolean value indicating whether the specified AutoSens program is to be automatically run when the reader reboots
SetBluetoothConfiguration(String, String) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetBluetoothConfiguration(String Address, String PairingCode) Summary: This method configures the reader to establish a connection with a specific Bluetooth enabled devices such as a Smart Phone, a tablet computer, etc.
SetConnectionInfo(byte, String) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetConnectionInfo(byte connectionNumber, String connectionString) Summary: When a data notification macro is specified in an AutoSens program, the data is sent to a connection (0-4) based on the connection information specified by the connection string.
SetCustomerKey(String) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetCustomerKey(String CustomerKeyFile) Summary: This method sets the checks and sets the customer key signature to be used for afec.
SetDNSServer(String) - Method in class RFIDReader.ReaderNetworkSettings
SetDRMState(boolean) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetDRMState() Summary: This method sets the current DRM setting for RF Mode 1 (M3/250kHz).
SetExpressoModePrams(ExpressoModeParameters) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetExpressoModeParams(ExpressoModeParameters expressoParams) Summary: The method sets up a subset of the additional Expresso Mode parameters needed to initiate an Expresso Mode inventory process.
SetGateway(String) - Method in class RFIDReader.ReaderNetworkSettings
SetGen2Params(InventoryParameters) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: RFIDStatus SetGen2Params(InventoryParameters ip) Summary: The Gen2Params for the RFIDReader module are set to the values specified in the Gen2Params data structure.
SetGeneralPurposeOutputs(byte) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetGeneralPurposeOutputs(bytes newGPOs) Summary: This method returns the settings for the general-purpose outputs and the detected state of the general-purpose inputs
SetGPSConfiguration(GPSConfig) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetGPSConfiguration(GPSConfig gpsConfig) Summary: This method is used to set the GPS configuration of the Extreme reader.
SetHeartbeatConfig(ReaderHeartbeatSettings) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetHeartbeatConfig(ReaderHeartbeatSettings settings) Summary: This method sets the IP address, UDP port number, interval, and count of the heartbeat configuration
SetInventoryFilter(TagMask) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetInventoryFilter(TagMask filter) Summary: This method sets the filter to be used during tag inventory cycles
SetIPAddress(String) - Method in class RFIDReader.ReaderHeartbeatSettings
SetIPAddress(String) - Method in class RFIDReader.ReaderNetworkSettings
SetIPv4CommLink(String, int) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: void SetIPv4CommLink(String sIPv4Address, int portNumber) Summary: The IP address and port number are passed on to the underlying communication layer which closes the underlying socket if the IP address and port number don't match the values already set up.
SetIPv4CommLink(String, int) - Method in class RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderComm
Method: void SetIPv4CommLink(String sIPv4Address, int portNumber) Summary: This method is used after the class has been created to change the IP address or the port number that the class will used to set up the TCP socket.
SetIPv4Info(ReaderNetworkSettings) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetIPv4Info(ReaderNetworkSettings settings) Summary: This method is used to set the IpV4 network configuration for the sensor.
SetIPv6Address(String) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
SetIPv6Address(String) - Method in class RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderComm
SetLinkParams(byte, boolean) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetLinkParams(byte linkParams, boolean save) Summary: The method returns the current Link Parameter setting of the RFIDReader module.
SetLocatorSignalState(boolean) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetLocatorSignalState(boolean stateActive) Summary: This method activates or deactivates the locator signal on the sensor.
SetModulePower(PowerSettings) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Group: RF Setup and Query Methods Method: boolean SetModulePowerSettings(Double readPower, Double writePower) Summary: This function directly sets the read and write power of the RFIDReader module.
SetNetmask(String) - Method in class RFIDReader.ReaderNetworkSettings
SetReaderDateAndTime(String) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: String SetReaderDateAndTime() Summary: This method sets the read-time clock date and time values of the reader.
SetReaderName(String) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetReaderName(String readerName) Summary: Sets the name advertised by the sensor's heartbeat messages.
SetReadGapTimes(ReadGapTimes) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetReadGapTimes(ReadGapTimes readGapTimes) Summary: This method sets the time interval for an inventory read cycle and the time interval between reads.
SetReadSequence(int[]) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetReadSequence(int[] antennaSequence) Summary: This method sets the sequence of antennas that the reader loops through when performing a continuous tag inventory read cycle.
SetSearchMode(byte) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetSearchMode(byte searchMode) Summary: Set the search mode of the RFID module
SetSelectParameters(byte, byte) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: void GetSelectParameters(SelectParameters selectParametersObj) Summary: The method sets the inventory mode and pre-select count for the module.
SetSelectParameters(SelectParameters) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: void GetSelectParameters(SelectParameters selectParametersObj) Summary: The method sets the inventory mode and pre-select count for the module.
SetSensorReadWithReaderCallback(SensorDataReadResponse) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
SetSessionParameter(byte) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: RFIDStatus SetSessionParameter(byte sessionParam) Summary: This method sets the Session Parameter.
SetTagReadCallback(OnTagReadResponse) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: void SetTagReadCallback(OnTagReadResponse tagReadHandler) Summary: This method allows the continuous read callback function to be changed or disabled (by passing the parameter value as null).
SetTagReadWithReaderCallback(OnTagReadWithReaderResponse) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
SetTempNotificationSetup(TemperatureNotificationSettings) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Methods boolean SetTempNotificationSetup(TemperatureNotificationSettings tempSettings) Summary: This method sets the time intervals and thresholds for reporting module temperature during continuous tag read sessions.
SetWiFiConfiguration(String, String) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean SetWiFiConfiguration(String SSID, String Passcode) Summary: This method configures the Wi-Fi parameters in the SensX Extreme readers to enable connections to a Wi-Fi router.
Shutdown() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: void Shutdown() Summary: This method closes down the underlying communications connection. ReturnType: No return value is returned from this method Comments: Once this method is called, that instance of the RFIDReader class will no longer be usable.
Shutdown() - Method in class RFIDReaderComm.RFIDReaderComm
Method: void Shutdown(): Summary: Close and dispose of the underlying TCP socket Exceptions: A System.TimeoutException will be thrown if the socket disconnect process doesn't complete within the disconnect timeout period.
SingleTagInfo - Class in RFIDReader
SingleTagInfo() - Constructor for class RFIDReader.SingleTagInfo
speed - Variable in class RFIDReader.GPSData
speed_enabled - Variable in class RFIDReader.GPSConfig
StartContinuousRead() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean StartContinuousRead() Summary: This method starts a continuous tag inventory session.
startQ - Variable in class RFIDReader.InventoryParameters
startupState24V - Variable in class RFIDReader.Config24V
state24V - Variable in class RFIDReader.Config24V
status - Variable in class RFIDReader.SensorInfo
StopContinuousRead() - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean StopContinuousRead() Summary: This method is called to stop a continuous read cycle started by the StartContinuousRead() method.
StopContinuousRead(byte) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: boolean StopContinuousRead(byte resumeTime) Summary: This method is called to stop a continuous read cycle started by the StartContinuousRead() method.
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