Introduction to AutoSens
AutoSens has been provided as an alternative interface for delivery of data to a server based either in the cloud or on a local network. The other primary interfaces that SensThys provides on its readers are:
A direct connection through a TCP port from an application like the ProSens Console that you have probably used to connect to a reader, configure it and read tags. Some customers have used the SensThys .Net API to build applications that control the reader through this direct connection and read tag data.
A RESTful interface that uses the standard HTTP ports 80 and 443 to allow an application to send requests to a reader including requests for data reads. This interface is typically accessed through a JavaScript-based brower application, but can be used for mobile or desktop applications as well.
For many situations, however, customers find that they need to set up their readers with a standard set of RFID and network settings and have those readers simply pump data to a server. We have enabled this type of setup through our AutoSens capability. After configuring the RF and network settings and verifying that the reader can read and deliver tags through the ProSens Console, the customer can then set up AutoSens to deliver the data to a server. The reader setup process includes:
- Choosing the delivery protocol: HTTP or simple TCP socket.
- Choosing the security options: Clear or TLS encrypted.
- Setting the host or IP address of the data server. For HTTP delivery to a web server, this also includes specifying the cgi/REST endpoint.
- Setting the port on the data server to connect to when delivering data.
- Choosing data formatting: JSON or comma-separated text fields
- Establishing the timing of the tag read process.
- Data selection and internal data management.
Note that this is a list of the choices that go into setting up AutoSens. However, these decisions can be reduced to establishing the connection information -- server, port, & protocol -- and setting up a macro program that establishes the timing, data formatting, and some simple tag management settings. These settings are all configured through the Advanced/AutoSens section of the ProSens Console. Under the API section of these pages, you will find a page devoted to discussing the setup of the connection page and one devoted to explaining how to set up an AutoSens Macro Program appropriate for your environment.
Once the AutoSens program has been configured and saved, it can be set up to run when the reader reboots. So even in situations where power is intermittent or the reader reboots for other reasons, once the reader has rebooted, data acquisition automatically resumes.
AutoSens is being continuously improved based on customer input and requests. Because of that there are places where the capabilities on the SensArray Enterprise and Core products differ from those on the Extreme reader. When we encounter these differences, we will point them out as best we can with the expectation that there is often a close alternative.
Finally, if you find that you are having difficulty connecting to your server, we have found that these problems generally fall into one of two categories: Networking problems and RFID setting problems. The latter can largely be avoided by setting up your readers with an appropriate RFID configuration and testing that tags can be read using the ProSens Console prior to attempting to send data to your server. Networking problems can be a bit trickier and usually involve misconfiguration of your server, firewalls, and possibly the reader connection settings. To help you troubleshoot these problems we have provided a Troubleshooting Guide.