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This page is organized with Webinar videos shown with the most recent first. Enjoy!

2024 Webinars

June 25, 2024.

Enhancing Process Control through Advanced RFID Solutions

Joint Webinar with Cisper about the use of passive sensors. Explores the technology, its use and some applications.

PDF of the presentation may be downloaded to the right.


2023 Webinars

March 22, 2023.

RFID Sensor Fundamentals

SensThys presented to the New Zealand Pathfinder group ( an education session in the practical uses of passive sensors for measuring things such as temperature, moisture, strain, density and many other physical properties...all without wires or batteries:

PDF of the presentation may be downloaded to the right.


2021 Webinars

July 08, 2021.

Resilience, Robustness and Reliability

Most RFID readers just don't cut it for use in our every day environments. What about temperature, humidity, physical shock, thermal shock, rain/water, dust or explosive environments? Work arounds like NEMA enclosures are used to protect the equipment but cause additional problems, such as heat, cost, reliability and the need for an AC power source. As the cost goes up and so does the complexity and the headaches.

If any of the following use cases resonant with you, this webinar will interest you:

  • Inside warehouses where readers get hit by forklifts
  • Outside exposed to crazy temperatures or humidity
  • Mounted to a muddy/dusty truck or other vehicle
  • Mounted on a self contained trolley or cart (with its own battery)
  • Certified to work close to munitions
  • Looking to save $ due to the cost of a protective enclosure

PDF of the presentation may be downloaded to the right.


April 29, 2021.

Differentiate with Integrity

This webinar will explore the importance of building quality and integrity into any AutoID system starting from initial concepts through to final implementation. Is data integrity important to your application? On a scale of 1 to 10, how resilient does your system need to be? Tracking socks may be quite different to tracking pharmaceuticals. How is this monitored and controlled? What options do you have? How can you inspire the end customer with a solution guaranteed to provide accurate tracking and results? Can you use this to differentiate from your competitors? Included will be some interesting implementation case studies.

PDF of the presentation may be downloaded to the right.

Feb 24, 2021.

EPIC - The Next Generation of RAIN RFID

Please join us for this PUBLIC UNVEILING of the next generation of RAIN RFID:
- 100% Guaranteed Data
- Infinite Tag Lifetime
- Revolution in Tag Visibility

Intrigued? You should be...ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ELSE in the RFID world can put their hands on their heart and say they can guarantee their data. EPIC does 100% of the time.

We don't want to waste your time. You should view if:
- Your data is mission critical
- You need multi-year tag life
- RFID shares space with machinery, vehicles or electrical equipment

PDF of the presentation may be downloaded to the right.

2020 Webinars

Nov 24, 2020.

IoT vs. RFID: RESTful vs. LLRP

This webinar examines the pros and cons of LLRP and RESTful programming models and which may be better suited for your needs? And "yes" we do support both!

Don't know much about RESTful and/or LLRP, thats ok? This webinar will be both educational and fun and an excellent use of half-an-hour. Take a break, grab a coffee and learn something! We assure you, no programmers were harmed in the creation of this webinar!

We'll answer:
- What is a RESTful based solution?
- How is it different to LLRP?
- Why is there so much buzz about RESTful...of is it just hype?
- What resources are needed to implement solutions based on each?
- When should I use LLRP or jump to RESTful?

PDF of the presentation may be downloaded to the right.

May 14, 2020.

Novel uses of RFID & Sensors for Healthcare, Hospitals and Hospices

All very much in the news today. But how does RAIN RFID and other complimentary sensors make the lives of our healthcare workers more efficient? How do these technologies help our older family members as they age? How do other sensors compliment these systems to make RFID even more powerful? Its not just about tracking any more!

This webinar will be helpful for those who work in or are adjacent to these critical industries, those that service them or who provide solutions into them.

PDF of the presentation may be downloaded by clicking on the right.


2019 Webinars

December 11, 2019.

RFID isn't really dumb, but it needs to be a hell of a lot smarter

RFID implementations consistently run into challenges. It reads too far, doesn't read far enough, it doesn't read quick enough, it isn't smart enough to make quick decisions, can't read in this location, don't want it to read over here, that darn potato is absorbing all that RF. This 30-minute webinar will look at the tools (such as sensors) available to improve RFID implementations without all the usual brute-force approaches. How do we work smarter, not harder and result in lower cost implementations that really do solve the customers challenges.

This will be educational but fun and our goal is inform you so you can make better decisions about RFID implementations.

October 31, 2019.

SPOOKY - Passive RFID Sensor Tags - Mini-Webinar

Passive Sensor tags? Is that even possible? No batteries? As Einstein said "spooky action at a distance". We will not be entangling your brain...quite the opposite. We will break through the spooky hype and discuss temperature and moisture sensing RFID tags, how to read them, how to add location awareness, what you need to accomplish this, what to look out for and the types of applications these are useful for.

October 4, 2019.

Sessions and Selects Demystified - Mini-Webinar

Have you ever wondered what "Sessions" are? What is the "Select" flag? Why is this important to understand? How can you use this knowledge?

RAIN (Passive) RFID is swamped with terms, nuances and subtle but important technical capabilities. This "webinar-in-brief" will cut through the complexities and jargon. It will be a concise but extremely informative look at Selects and Sessions and the practical realities of what these can do for you and how these can dramatically effect your read results.

If you have ever been worried about "getting your head around" these terms, understanding what these actually do, or just grown a bit rusty, this is the webinar for you.

November 2, 2018.

Antenna Selection for Real-World Applications - Webinar

This webinar explores how to use multiple antenna for area coverage, the different geometries when installing them and the positives and negatives of each. We will examine the advantages of having any tag visible by more than one antenna, and show how this can be achieved cost effectively (all the way up to 4 read-points per tag). The webinar will also take a look at the impact of antenna gain, ceiling height and reader power and introduce a tool to simplify the calculations for your unique situation.

SUMMARY: Learn how to pick the right antenna for your application!