Customer Resource Guide
Start here. This guide is a key document to point you to all our helpful resources.
App Notes (General)
ProSens: RFID Console Install, Operation & Troubleshooting
This document includes information on how to install, operate, diagnose and fix issues with ProSens (RFID console software) and SensThys readers. This document is highly recommended if you have any issues with the reader connectivity or the console software.
SensThys Reader GPIO Deployment Guide
A hardware set-up guide for those planning to use the GPIO interface on any SensArray or the SensX Extreme products.
App Notes (Sensor Tags)
Sensor Tag Basics
While initially targeted for those using passive sensors, this is a great introduction to the do's and don'ts of RAIN RFID. Great tool with practical tips for those new RFID or Passive Sensors.
Water Leak Detection Using RFID
This application note focuses upon the detection of leaks and moisture using UHF RFID (also known as RAIN RFID) equipment tailored to interrogate or read passive sensors utilizing specialty RFID die. This document introduces how these RFID based sensors operate and how to make leak and moisture detection work from a practical standpoint. There are many lessons we have learned about how to operate these sensors successfully, many do's and don'ts and we don't want customers making the mistakes we first made. This makes this document an invaluable tool!
Programming Guides
SensArray Programming Guide
A guide for those getting started with programming and looking to control SensArray readers.
SensArray Communications Protocol - Part I
This documents the low-level binary protocol that controls the SensThys family of readers. These documents are only required if not using SensThys SDK’s or high level API’s (e.g. RESTful or C#) because you want to implement a different API.
Part I
SensArray Communications Protocol - Part II
This documents the low-level binary protocol that controls the SensThys family of readers. These documents are only required if not using SensThys SDK’s or high level API’s (e.g. RESTful or C#) because you want to implement a different API.
Part II
User Guides
Extreme User Guide
A user’s manual providing instructions for configuring and operating the Extreme reader.
SensArray User Guide
A user’s manual providing instructions for configuring and operating SensArray readers.
How To Update Your Readers Firmware?
Extreme: Software Update Procedure
A how-to guide for those looking to upgrade the reader firmware/software in the SensX Extreme reader (using apt-get)
SensArray Update Instructions
A how-to guide for those looking to upgrade their SensArray-Pro/Enterprise reader firmware/software.
SensArray M200 Update Instructions
A how-to guide for those looking to upgrade the module (M200) low-level firmware on their SensArray Reader.